Monday, August 15, 2011

August 5, 2011 The Gorge, George, WA Sources Review

Hey folks!
Thanks for your patience as I waited for sources to come in.  There are four sources available for this night and they all sound pretty darn good.  Phish played a great show to start this leg of tour, which has kind of become a trend with them.  Bottom line, don't miss a tour opener if you can help it.  I want to thank the tapers who recorded this night.  Without their efforts, I couldn't do what I do.  Thanks a lot!

Source 1 (hereafter VM44 source)
Source: Milab VM-44 Link (omni) -> Lunatec V2 -> Tascam DR-680 (24/48)
Location: 50" split at front right corner of soundboard, 9’ high
Transfer: sdhc card -> AudioGate (16/44) -> CD Wave -> FLAC (6)

16 bit source

Source 2 (hereafter MK4v source)
Source: Schoeps mk4v> KC5> M222> NT222> Aeta PSP-3> SD 744t (@24bit/96kHz)
Location: FOB, DFC, DIN, 6' Stand
Transfer: SD 744t> Samplitude SE 9.1.1(dither/resample)> CDWave> flac(16/44.1)

16 bit source
24 bit source 

Source 3 (hereafter AK40 source)
Source: Neumann Ak 40's(NOS) > Lc3 > Km100 > Aerco Mp2 > Sd 702 @ 24/48
Location: FOB/DFC
Transfer: Cf Card > Wavelab 6.0 > Resample, Uv22 Hr dither >
Cd Wave > TLH > 16/44 FLAC

16 bit source
24 bit source

Source 4 (hereafter KM140 source)  ***24 bit only***
Source: Neumann KM140s > Sound Devices MP2 > Edirol R09 (24/48) > WAV
Location: FOB
Transfer: WAV > CD Wave > Audition (fades) > FLAC24

24 bit source

Phish - 8/5/11 "Roggae" from Phish on Vimeo.

The VM-44 source is a bit thin on the bass and the lowest frequencies seem to be lost in the mud.

The MK4v source is a very, very nice recording.  The bass is rich and full and the high-end is also excellent.  The bass is not overwhelming, leaving plenty of space for the rest of the band members to be heard.  It is just a hair better than the KM140 source which is also quite good.

The AK40 source sounds a bit muffled in the low-end, particularly compared to the KM140 and the MK4v sources.  Considering this is an FOB source, I was surprised that the overall effect wasn't more up front. 

The KM140 source is quite good and is much more transparent than the AK40 pull.  The bass response is better and deeper than the AK40's as well, which is surprising considering they are the same mics.  It must have something to do with the preamps.  Either way, this recording is just slightly less lively than the MK4v's, but it is definitely the second best pull of the night.

Happy listening!


  1. Keep up the great reviews! Question: Is there a sound card that you would suggest to run music from a laptop to a home stereo system?

  2. I use an airport express from Apple. They are about $100. But, they have digital outs (1/8" so you have to hunt for an optical 1/8" to toslink cable, found online for less than $20). Then the music runs from iTunes to the stereo via your wifi network at home. I convert all of my music to Apple Lossless format so I don't lose anything and it stays digital until it hits my speakers. Keeps everything neat and tidy, no CD's sitting around, and no wires visible.
